After reading a million blogs in the past 2 years, I have decided to finally start my own! Here’s Why:
1. I LOVE healthy living blogs (I read a LOT of blogs!), but I feel like I read a lot of the same things...running marathons, being vegetarian, going to Body Pump… I don't think there is anything wrong with any of these things--in fact, I've done a half marathon (and I'm training for my 2nd), I was a vegetarian for over a year and I am currently having an aversion to any meat/poultry for the last month, and I used to go to Body Pump a lot when I had a gym membership. But, I was always on the search for a more fitness-based blog. I’ve found some of those too, but not as many as I thought I would.
I want my blogs main focus to be on exercise, including Spinning (especially playlists and formats), weight training, yoga, and anything else you ask for! With two nationally recognized Personal Training certifications (as well as Spinning, Group Exercise, Yoga and Kickboxing certs), I think I can do it!
2. I'm in need of a hobby...I work as a Fitness Specialist in the Boston and while filling out my bio I was asked to list hobbies. Those hobbies are "running, yoga, cooking, hiking." Fun, but pretty pathetic...time for a hobby that doesn't include food or exercise. I couldn't even bring myself to list "reading" because I only read magazines...I'm working on that (kind of).
3. I don't have all the time in the world but it seems like blogging is fun! I really want to share the information I have! I don't have a bazillion clients at work, so if I can reach out to a few people through the blog, I've done my job and I'll feel like I’m using my certifications
4. My boss had me and my co-workers write Dream Lists back in September. I recently found that list and remembered that I wrote "start a blog" as one of my goals, so I thought, why not?
So here we go!!