This morning, I ran a 6k road race with my Dad. I PR'd hardcore and won $50! Truthfully, it was a small local race with only 99 people and was a quick, mostly flat course. But still, $50 is $50 and a PR is a PR! I finished 26 out of 99 and was the third female to finish. I finished in 27:12 and had a 7:19 pace. I'm really happy about it and I'm hoping to do just as well in my 5k race next weekend :o)
Since my Dad registered the both of us for the race, I was registered as Bub, my nickname from my family. This means my check was written out to Bub, so it should be fun trying to cash that! My Dad said he learned his lesson though, and he won't be registering me as Bub again...just in case ;)