March 04, 2011

I've quit on the "no sugar/no candy" ban.  I made it 2 days and caved.  Whatever.  Sometimes you just need chocolate.  Like really, how can you pass up Mini-Eggs on sale?  If I want it, I'll eat it and just try to not go overboard--like not eating the entire bag--failed and it was the big bag.  Last night, I bought a cake and had 1.5 slices.  I didn't eat the whole thing.  Progress. And this morning I only had a bite of the frosting. Which is a lie. I had a whole slice.  I threw the rest away.

I'm not doing so hot on the veggies.  I eat at least one vegetable every day, but I know that's not enough.  I need to add at least one snack that's a vegetable.  Instead of an apple, some carrots will do.  This morning I had a nice handful of spinach in my omelet,  so that's good.  It cancels out that honking slice of cake I ate.

I'm off to the Celitcs game tonight with my sister and Dad, so there's really no hope for me today.  Oh well, tomorrow is a new day...

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