April 13, 2011

Spring Cleanse: Day #3

Today called for more carbs!  It started with a sunrise yoga class, work, then a 45-minute spin class.  I haven't modified my workout schedule at all during the past 3 days, which Deborah suggested that we do, so I've been eating quinoa for an energy boost! 

Here was my meal plan for today:

Breakfast:  Coffee, Papaya with 1/2 of an avocado
Snack: Apple
Lunch:  Quinoa Salad; Smoothie w/ mango, spinach and a banana (water for a base) and half a scoop of protein powder, Yogi tea
Snack: 2 clementines
Dinner:  small yam, green beans, chicken breast

Dinner is where I fell.  I really felt like I needed some good protein.  I've worked out 3 times today (yoga, spinning, boot camp) and while that's pretty usual, I did miss my protein.  When thinking about this cleanse, I would think that it's a better idea to eat organic chicken than eat processed protein powder. 

I'm still going to continue with the cleanse as much as I can for the next couple days, but if I slip up it's no big deal.  If my body wants some chicken, it's getting some chicken!

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